A web site for residents of the Parish of Beenham  

Beenham Village Events

Beenham Village Events (BVE) is a community organisation constituted under the auspices of Beenham Parish Council for the purpose of organising social and fundraising events for the benefit of residents of the parish of Beenham. The group has helped to organise many popular Summer Festivals and village Christmas Tree celebrations. Most of the events on this page are organised or coordinated by BVE; others are taking place in Beenham and we hope that local people will participate and enjoy them.

Events in 2025

The BVE committee is looking at events for 2025 and will publicise them during the year. The monthly Villages' News magazine has a list of activities each month; the latest magazine can be found on a link on the Home Page. Please continue to support the events and offer to help in preparing and running them. What a great way to meet others and enjoy our beautiful village.

CPR and Defibrillation class
In an emergency every second counts. This class is being organised by Beenham WI as part of a national initiative.  It will teach CPR techniques and how to use a defibrillator effectively. Contact beenhamwi@berkshirewi.co.uk to sign up for the first class on 27 March. Free to Beenham residents and workers.

Easter Doors and Gates
Lets look forward to Spring and decorate our doors and gates for Easter.

Scarecrow Festival - late May
The theme this year is Song Titles - anything from Nursery Rhymes to Rock or Pop classics. Let's plan for some interesting Scarecrows again this year to brighten up our village.

Greyfield Wood Open Day
The annual open day at Greyfield Wood will take place on Sunday 18 May 2pm - 4:30pm. Come along to see the bluebells, go on an organised walk and hear about all the things that are happening in the woods. And of course for tea and cakes.

Beenham Giant Vegetable and Flower Show
In 14 September the first ever Beenham Giant Vegetable and Flower Show will be held in the Victory Hall. This will be a fun-focused event for both children and adults. For full details of all the classes and an entry form please email Jonathan jondrury@hotmail.com and get those runner beans, carrots, tomatoes and sunflowers etc growing as soon as possible!


Supporting your BVE
BVE has a committee and enlists the support of other people, either to join the committee or to provide assistance in running events. For further information please contact please contact Pat Owen via e-mail patowen0@hotmail.com or by phone 0118 961 5860 or 07947 478840.

Regular activities in the Village
Beenham's Afternoon Tea Party is held on the last Tuesday of each month and is popular with all age groups within the village.  Come along to Beenham Club, Picklepythe Lane from 2 to 4pm for a chat, a cup of tea and a delicious slice of cake.  If you need a lift then phone Pat on 0118 961 5860 or 07947 478840 and something will be arranged.

Greener Beenham
We all know how important the wider environment is to our health and well-being. Beenham residents are supporting a number of initiatives:

Take those difficult to recycle items along to the monthly market in the Victory Hall

Buy your eggs from local egg producers at the Victory Hall on Saturday mornings 10am to 1pm

In November 2020 Greener Beenham started their campaign to help local flora and fauna in the Parish.  Phase one saw a group of willing volunteers planting small saplings - provided by the Woodland Trust - of Silver Birch, Rowan and Field Maple. We managed to plant clumps of narcissi around the green along Church View, opposite the junction of Stoneyfield and Back Lane and Mallard Way.
The Green Team includes Jane Liming, Pat Owen, Janette Hammond, Helen and Chris Apsey, Nathaniel and Cassie Hart; please support the idea of planting trees and wild flowers in our open spaces.

pictures of tree planting in Beenham

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