General Clubs & Societies
Women’s Institute
The WI was started in Beenham in 1920 and still meets regularly on the second Wednesday of the month in the Community Room at 7.30pm. The monthly meetings cover a range of interesting topics with visiting speakers and several social events. Other activities include visits to places of interest, theatre trips, pub lunches and craft workshops. A warm welcome awaits new members and we are delighted to include visitors in our Open Meetings. For more information contact Sally Pellow, President. (07776 251228).
Scottish Dancing
The Purley Scottish Dancers meet in the Victory Hall on Monday nights from 7.45-10.00pm between September and May.
You are welcome to come along and find out why so many people love Scottish Country dancing. It can be hugely rewarding as well as great fun. The dance steps and movement create flowing patterns and dances can be slow and elegant or extremely lively. You don't need any experience and you don't need a partner. All that's needed is a little enthusiasm! Everyone moves around and you will find yourself dancing with many different partners so it's a great way to make new friends. Dancing has many added benefits. It can improve confidence and self esteem, and is acknowledged for increasing fitness and stamina. One hour's dancing can burn up 300 calories, as well as reduce stress, increase energy and improve co-ordination.
Contact Katrina Alderton on 0118 9713331 or Sue Burbridge Tel: 01635 581222. email:
Beenham Friendship Club
This club is for people over the age of 55. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 2.00pm in the Victory Hall. Meetings cover a wide range of activities, including all-day coach trips, and afternoon visits to places of interest. New members are very welcome. Contact Tina Sargent for a list of this year's events.
Contact Tina Sargent, Tel: 01635 826154
Beenham Club
Formerly the Working Men's Club, Beenham Club is next door to the Victory Hall. The Club is run voluntarily by a committee and provides a place to enjoy a drink in relaxing surroundings. We have air conditioning, 4 dartboards, WiFi, connecting doors to the Village Hall and a well stocked bar with drinks prices that are very reasonable. The club has organised Darts teams, live entertainment and monthly Live music Acoustic nights.
With the exception of Entertainment nights children are allowed in the Club but must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. Members and non-members welcome. Membership is free - ask at the bar.
Check the noticeboard outside the club or keep up to date with events by joining our group on Facebook - just search for Beenham Club. We have our own website and for more information call 0118 971 3991 or e-mail:
Beenham Allotments Association
The Association was formed in 2010. It leases a one acre site close to the centre of the village, off Back Lane. The site is divided into 24 separate allotments, a few of which are shared by more than one allotment holder.
The allotment site is now fully established with robust fencing and established hedging, security gate, plots boarded on all sides, water available on site, and car parking area, roads and pathways with a weather-proof surface,
The initial enthusiasm within the Parish for allotments was strong and all the allotments were let in the first year of the Association’s existence.
After the first year, and in subsequent years, there has been a steady turnover of plot holders, and any vacancies are quickly taken up, showing an ongoing interest, although Membership was extended to surrounding Parishes last season due to more plots becoming available than expected. These plots are on a five year lease basis. (3 Plots were allocated to this purpose, and are now all taken).
The Association has an elected committee. The committee manages the affairs of the association and may be contacted via The Membership Secretary by Telephone on 01189 714465 or e-mail
Alternatively visitors to the allotment site on a fine weekend are likely to find a number of association members working their plots, and a warm welcome. Prospective new members seeking an allotment should contact the above to get their name added to the waiting list.
We have annual social events such as a bonfire and have varied growing competitions which all adds to the enjoyment of being a plot holder.
Here are some photos taken by Tina Alder in autumn 2024. |
Beenham Wind Orchestra
The band is a wind band, formed in 1999, welcoming all woodwind, brass and percussion players. It has players of all ages and abilities. It meets on Friday evenings, at 7.30pm in the school hall, term time only. |
Bell Ringing
Bell ringers meet every Wednesday at 7:30pm at St Mary’s Church. Beginners are very welcome.
Contact Chris Maslen, Tel: 971 3824 or |
Da Capo Orchestra
The group offers an introduction to orchestral playing, welcoming adult beginners who would like the opportunity to play in an orchestra. We cater for all standards of players in a friendly and supportive environment, even if you have no experience of playing in a group. We meet on a Thursday evening in the school hall during term time.

Village Market
An indoor market is held in the Victory Hall on the 2nd Saturday of
every month except August. Doors open at 2pm. This is a monthly
social event to meet your friends and neighbours for conversation,
coffee tea and cake. Browse the regular stalls for a bargain and take
part in the raffle in which you could win a bottle of wine, or maybe a
bag of wine gums! If you would like to book a table contact Sally Pellow on 07776 251228 or by email on
Beenham Village Events
Beenham is fortunate to have an active group of people who arrange and coordinate various events during the year. Please see the Beenham Viiage Events page for more information.
Beenham Art Group
The group meet on a Tuesday morning from 9.45am until 12.15pm in the Victory Hall. All abilities are welcome. Any interested persons should contact Sunny Still on 971 2255
Beenham Walkers

Beenham walkers is a small friendly group who meet on alternate Thursday mornings. Our walks are usually between 5-7 miles long and we try to include more varied walks starting from different locations, usually meaning car sharing.
Since Linda and myself have taken over from John Newitt we have planned walks in advance and these can be found in the Villages’ Newsletter, you can pitch up at 9.30 on the appropriate morning outside the Victory Hall if you wish to join us, there is no need to book. We look forward to welcoming you.
Pauline Stares: 0118 971 3481
Linda Clark: 0118 971 2632
Greyfield Wood
Greyfield Wood covers 38 acres and is a mix of ancient woodland and commercial trees. It offers a large and varied habitat for a wide range of animals and birds.
Our woodland is managed by volunteers and villagers are encouraged to use this lovely amenity at every opportunity. Please see the Greyfield Wood page for more information. |
UK Wolf Conservation Trust
Butlers Farm in Beenham village is home to the UK Wolf Conservation Trust and houses several wolves in enclosures. The Trust has a magazine (WolfPrint), enthusiastic volunteers, thousands of supporters and different levels of membership. Further details are on the Trust Page or on their web site:
Sporting Clubs
Badminton Club
Beenham Badminton Club meets on Tuesday evening in the school hall between 8.00 and 9.30pm. Potential new members, over the age of 16, are invited to join this friendly mixed group (sex, age and ability) for 2 free sessions before deciding if they wish to join.
Please contact Ernie Derrick telephone 0118 971 2753
Bucklebury Badminton Club
Bucklebury Badminton Club play at Elstree School in Woolhampton where they have four courts. Club night is on Tuesday evenings from 8 to 10 p.m. The standard is mixed and you can come for fun or for more serious matches. They have teams in the Newbury league and are looking for more men to play in divisions two or four. Ladies are also welcome as are men who don't want to play in the matches. Check out our website for more information
The football clubs in Theale (Theale Tigers), contact Dean Proudley, and Thatcham (Thatcham Tornadoes), website: organise teams for children in the local leagues.
Beenham Dads' Football
The Beenham Dads meet weekly at the Willink Sports Centre (large flood-lit astroturf pitch at the back of the school) between 9:00 and 10:00 on Monday evenings (except Bank Holidays).
As our name suggests we are a group of Dads living in Beenham, all abilities are welcome, the numbers playing vary through the year but we manage to average out at 7 or 8 a-side.
Our 3 main aims as a team/club are:
Fitness – for many of us this is our only exercise for the week.
Social – we have grown into a close knit group that enjoy the competition and enjoyment of playing on the pitch but also enjoy other non-playing social evenings culminating in the Annual Christmas Awards Dinner at the 6 Bells.
Improvement – a number of us haven’t played since leaving school some 25-30 years ago.
The nearest District Council swimming pool is at the Northcroft Centre in Newbury. However, three local schools now have their pools available for use at specified times. The schools are:
Kennet School Leisure Centre Tel: 01635 871112
Willink Leisure Centre Tel: 983 4845
Bradfield College Sports Complex Tel: 964 4600 (members or members’ guests only)
The Indoor Tennis Centre at Bradfield College Sports Complex is open for booking by members of the public. There are three excellent courts which can booked up to six days in advance. Please contact Bradfield College for information abut booking.
Tel: 964 4600
Douai Park Tennis Club plays at Douai Park. Coaching is available.
Web site:
Theale Green Leisure Centre
Attached to Theale Green school, the leisure centre runs fitness classes, aerobics and circuit training, trampolining courses and gymnastics. Badminton and tennis courts are available and there are outdoor football pitches.
Tel: 932 3725
Clubs & Activities for Children Beenham Pre-School
We are a friendly Pre-School based in the heart of Beenham Village but easily accessible from local villages, Theale and Thatcham. We have an exceptional outside play area which we use all year round and in every weather ! Children have a wide range of stimulating opportunities to learn through play both on-site and during outings in the local environment and further afield. Each child is allocated a Key Worker who works with them from their first day, helping them to settle and monitoring their progress. We use “Next Steps” to ensure that every child is given developmentally appropriate opportunities to learn catering for them as an individual. We are also a member of West Berkshire’s “Every Child a Talker” (ECAT) programme. Beenham Pre-School is proud to have been awarded Makaton accreditation for our work with sign language.
Families are invited to join us for various events throughout the year such as our Nativity Play, Easter Egg Hunt, Leavers’ Party, etc. We have close links with Beenham Primary School although we welcome children who will be attending a variety of different primary schools in the area.
We are open from 8.45 am to 2.45pm Monday to Friday during term time, and we now offer the option of a cooked lunch.
For further information, or to view our latest Newsletters, please visit us at or contact our Manager, Paula Read, at or 01635 860039. |
Bradfield Brownies
The 2nd Bradfield Brownies meet during term time at St Peters Church, Bradfield on Mondays between 6pm-7:30pm. We have Rainbows (4-7 years), Brownies (7-10 years), Guides (10-14 years) and Senior Section (14-18 years). Please e-mail for further information.
Parent and child activities run by the Benefice
For more information on these activities please see |
Messy Church
A way of being church but not as you know it: fun, crafts, story, celebration time and refreshments for children and parents. Messy church takes place bi-monthly on a Saturday from 3.30-5pm at Woolhampton Primary School.
Noah’s Ark
Noah’s Ark gathers pre-schoolers together on the first Friday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00am at Aldermaston Parish Hall and also at Midgham Church from 10:00 to 11:00am on the third Friday of the month – for play, a story and singing. |