A web site for residents of the Parish of Beenham  

Village Design Statement

The Beenham Village Design Statement was adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) by West Berkshire Council on 8th July 2003 and its recommendations will be taken into account when planning applications are assessed.

The Village Design Statement is intended to be a practical tool capable of influencing decisions that
affect design and development in the parish. Its main function is to assist not only residents, builders and designers, but also the Parish Council and West Berkshire District Council, when dealing with planning applications.

A copy of the Village Design Statement can be found here.

Parish Plan

The Beenham Parish Plan identifies actions to support the aspirations that the people in the parish have for their community. It is divided (in keeping with all parish plans) into the following areas: strength, health, safety, prosperity and in tune with the environment.

The Plan focuses on the village area in most detail. The plan does include actions which are specific to the people living in the Aldermaston Wharf area of the parish but just lists them without further discussion. The rationale behind these actions can be found in the Padworth Parish Plan where they are elaborated upon.

The publication of the Village Plan in October 2010 was not an end in itself, rather it was a means towards an end. The adoption of the Plan was the first step towards achieving the objectives that were collectively identified. It continues to provide the basis for initiatives that will only be realised through the involvement and commitment of local people. The Plan is not immutable. It provides a platform for future thinking and planning as we respond to changes in circumstances and grasp fresh opportunities as they arise.

A copy of the Parish Plan can be found here

Implementation of the Parish Plan
A Plan Implementation Group has been established to take forward specific issues itemised in the Plan; some of the other actions have been taken up by the Parish Council. All parties involved in the implementation of the parish plan are guided by the priority assigned to each action. Priorities range between Low (L), Medium (M) and High (H). This rating reflects the importance of the action as seen by the community and the ease with which it can be completed.

Housing Needs Survey

A survey of Beenham housing needs was undertaken in the summer of 2013. A summary of this survey can be found here and the full report can be found here

2024 Affordable Housing Initiative
This initiative is being run with Connecting Communities Berkshire (CCB), which is an independent charity with 50 years of experience in community development work; the Parish Council is grateful for the help and support they provide and for the support from the community.
The Parish Councillor running this initiative is David Hancock, and he can be contacted by email: d.hancock@beenham-pc.gov.uk or by phone: 07471 148256. For more detailed information about the process for undertaking development as a rural development site please read the attached documents:
Overview of the initiative
Frequently Asked Questions
Report on the Public Meeting 0n 26 October 2024 (including summary of CCB’s key findings from the survey).

Neighbourhood Planning

A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led framework for guiding the future development, regeneration and conservation of an area. A neighbourhood plan is about the use and development of land and may contain a vision, aims, planning policies, proposals for improving the area or for providing new facilities, or allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development.

Beenham Parish does not presently have a Neighbourhood Plan.

Beenham is a rural village within the National Landscapes (previously AONB, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and the information in the following link may be useful:
Government guidance for development proposals affecting AONBs

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