Parish Council
The Parish Council is responsible for many aspects of village life, including the provision of recreation facilities, commenting on planning applications and supporting parish initiatives, such as providing grants to local organisations.
The Parish Council usually meets at 7pm on the first Monday of each month in the Community Room adjoining the school; details of the meetings appear on the Parish Council website. The first 15 minutes of each meeting are allocated to the public to allow them to raise any matters of concern. In addition to the monthly meetings there is the Annual Parish Assembly which takes place in April.
Beenham Parish Council can have up to seven members. For contact details of the Parish Councillors and the Parish Clerk please visit The website also provides further information about the activities of the Parish Council including the minutes of previous meetings, financial information and policy documents.
The Community Room and School Hall are managed by the Parish Council. For booking information please see their web site.
District Council
West Berkshire Council is a unitary authority responsible for the full range of local authority services.
It was created in April 1998 when the former Newbury District Council took on responsibilities from
Berkshire County Council, which was abolished. West Berkshire Council has its main office at
Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD.
Tel: 01635 551111.
Web site:
Dominic Boeck (Conservative) is our West Berks district councillor.
Tel: 0118 971 0330

Member of Parliament Our Member of Parliament is John Redwood (Conservative).
Constituency address: 30 Rose Street, Wokingham, Berks RG40 1XU
Tel: 020 7219 6191
Web site: